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Welcome to our Premier Exam Prep Course, where success is our Primary Focus!

At our Academy, we're driven by one clear purpose: equipping students with the skills and strategies needed to conquer the New Jersey real estate state licensing exam.

Our intensive 4-hour class is meticulously designed to empower you with a comprehensive understanding of crucial topics, including vocabulary definitions, license law, agency relationships, and math. More than just a review, this course serves as a confidence-boosting reinforcement of the 75-hour pre-licensing curriculum you've already mastered.

Adult Students

About the Course

With us, you'll learn to navigate the exam with finesse, identifying and dissecting various question styles such as reading comprehension, multi-step math, and discerning superfluous facts. By honing in on alternative question formats like stem or lead questions, you'll gain a deeper insight into the exam's nuances, empowering you to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

To make the most of this experience, be sure to have your current real estate book on hand during class. Rest assured, we provide all necessary supplemental tests and quizzes, ensuring you have everything you need to succeed.

Behind our renowned program stands a team of dedicated professionals, each committed to guiding you towards your goal of licensure. With their expertise and your determination, success is not just a possibility—it's inevitable.

Invest in your future today with our Exam Prep Course, and take the first step towards a rewarding career in real estate.

Class Dates

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Elevate Your Exam Preparation Today!

Start Your Journey to Becoming a Real Estate Pro!

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